May 28, 2024

Safe Streets for All: Focused on Delivering A Better Tomorrow

The most recent Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program opened in February 2024. The SS4A program was established in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) in support of the National Roadway Safety Strategy and the goal of zero roadway deaths using a Safe System Approach. The SS4A program has $5 billion in appropriated funds over 5 years, from 2022 through 2026, for initiatives that prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. While coordination with state departments of transportation (DOTs) is encouraged, state DOTs are not eligible applicants, providing local and regional agencies with more direct funding opportunities and control.

The SS4A program provides funding for two types of grants: planning and demonstration grants and implementation grants. Planning and demonstration grants provide funds to develop or supplement a safety action plan. Safety action plans are the foundation of the SS4A program. Implementation grants provide funds to implement projects and/or strategies identified in a safety action plan. A completed, eligible safety action plan is required to apply for an implementation grant.

Key parts of a safety action plan include an analysis of crashes trends and locations, a geospatial identification of higher risk locations, and an identification of underserved communities using data. Using custom made GIS tools and location-based analytics, Lochmueller Group works to provide data-informed value to safety action plans.

Lochmueller Group recently completed development of the safety action plan for the City of Noblesville, Indiana. The plan is focused on improving pedestrian safety and access in downtown Noblesville. As part of the plan development process, the public was invited to submit safety problems and opportunities on an interactive map. The public input map was used to develop the plan’s comprehensive set of strategies to improve safety.

Figure 1: Public Input - Opportunities
Figure 2: Public Input - Problems

Lochmueller Group is currently working with various communities in developing or supplementing safety action plans. Current safety action planning projects include:

Read more about Using GIS for Safety Action Plans here.

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