March 6, 2025

Champaign Bike Vision Implementation Plan

Champaign, Illinois
City of Champaign, Illinois
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning
Marsia Geldert-Murphey, Chris Beard, Peter Williams, Kevin Neill, Kate Swinford

Our Champaign Bike Vision Implementation Plan has won a Special Achievement Award in ACEC Illinois’ 2025 Engineering Excellence Awards!

In January 2008, the City of Champaign developed a Transportation Master Plan to address the relationship between transportation and land use, presenting a vision of connected neighborhoods and nodes. It also provides the framework for a balanced transportation system that offers choices in how people travel, including by bicycle, and further defines a Bicycle Vision Plan to create a network of bicycle amenities that reaches all parts of the City.

At the time of the Bicycle Vision Plan creation, the bicycle network was limited within the City. Through years of dedication to multimodal transportation, the City has made great strides toward the completion of the Bicycle Vision Plan. As part of the on-call traffic engineering and planning contract with the City of Champaign, Illinois, Lochmueller helped curate a plan for the implementation of the remaining Bicycle Vision Plan facilities. The project was completed in three phases: Data Collection, Analysis, and Project Identification/Page Creation.

This was Lochmueller’s first Bike Vision Implementation Plan, and the process was engaging and collaborative, which highlighted the blend of planning and engineering at which Lochmueller excels. The project provides the City tools with which to make informed infrastructure decisions for the next decade to fully integrate bicycle infrastructure into the City network and reach for a complete fulfillment of the vision of the 2008 Transportation Master Plan.

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Downtown Belleville Square Water Main Replacement

Traffic Engineering & Planning

Champaign Bike Vision Implementation Plan

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