May 25, 2023

Clear Path 465, Contract 2

Indianapolis, Indiana
Service Line:
Construction Administration

Lochmueller is a major team member for the construction inspection of the Clear Path 465, Contract 2 project with Parsons for INDOT. The team has just begun on this three-year project that realigns I-69 and I-465 on the northeast corner of Indianapolis. It’s designed to reduce construction for the whole region, and it includes new bridges as well as the complete reconstruction of several miles of Interstate.

More than 100,000 vehicle trips pass through the I-465 and I-69 interchange on an average day, and the demand for the Clear Path 465 project comes from safety concerns due to a high volume of crashes within the project area and insufficient capacity, which causes backups during peak hours. This project will improve safety and traffic operations by increasing said capacity.

In total, the project includes added travel lanes, new ramp lanes, new bridges, two rehabilitated bridges, maintenance work, and interchange modifications. The second contract on this project that Lochmueller is a vital player in will complete work on I-465 inside the I-465/I-69 interchange and construction on I-69 and the collector-distributor roads from I-465 to 86th Street. It includes reconstruction of the two I-69 interchanges at I-465 and 82nd Street, 14 new bridges, construction on Binford Boulevard and the installation of several noise barriers.

The project team is committed to keeping stakeholders, including motorists and businesses, informed of construction progress, project updates and traffic pattern changes. Working hard towards safer communities is of great importance to Lochmueller, and we are excited to be a part of this process!

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