May 17, 2023

Douglas Road Reconstruction

South Bend, Indiana
St. Joseph County, Indiana
Service Line:
Construction Administration

Lochmueller is currently working on this high-profile corridor reconstruction project that will leave a large impression on the public, both during construction and afterwards. This is an added travel lanes project that reconstructs Douglas Road from a two-lane road to a four-lane road between Twyckenham Drive and SR 23. This includes a lighted multi-use trail along Warren Golf Course with the multi-use trail continuing eastward to SR 23, an improved intersection at Douglas Road and Ironwood Road to increase sight distance and traffic flow, added traffic signals at Carmichael Drive, an added turn lane on SR 23, replacement of the structure at Juday Creek on Ironwood Drive with a new three-sided box culvert, and a bridge replacement at Juday Creek and Douglas Road. Lochmueller has partnered with DLZ, who designed this project, and will provide construction observation assistance until the project is completed later this year.  

Along with St. Joseph County, the City of South Bend is also a major player due to their sanitary and watermain facilities within the project that have been upgraded as well.

This project is located on the north side of South Bend and on the edge of the Notre Dame campus right in front of Notre Dame’s Warren Golf Course. It serves as the east-west conduit between the campus and the South Bend/Mishawaka area. Construction began in 2021, and it has a construction cost of $12.1 million.

Lochmueller is always intentional about gaining the knowledge and understanding of client’s expectations and needs for the successful delivery of projects. We look forward to the completion of this project in late 2023!

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