January 1, 2020

Gibson County Center for Applied Technology

Fort Branch, Indiana
Vincennes University
Service Line:
Urban Design

This 40-acre site development project transformed a rolling agricultural field into a satellite campus for Indiana’s oldest college. Lochmueller produced plans and specifications, which included the following:

  • Traffic operational analysis of a signalized entrance intersection on US 41 and Scales Road including coordination and approval by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
  • Design and permitting of turn lane and related roadway improvements to Scales Road
  • Stormwater drainage design and permitting for the 40-acre development draining into INDOT right-of-way utilizing two detention basins. The storm sewer system required flexibility for future expansion under multiple scenarios
  • Design of the two internal roadways (a total of 2,000 linear feet)
  • Civil site design of parking areas for approximately 200 spaces with future expansion capabilities
  • Design and permitting of 1,500 feet of 12-inch PVC sanitary trunk sewer extension to serve the 40-acre site and an adjoining future 80-acre research park
  • Design and permitting of expandable potable water system
  • Coordination of all site utilities to within 5 feet of the building envelope
  • Coordination for 1,000 feet of telephone line relocation
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Rule 5) development and permitting
  • Overall site grading plan with balanced earthwork required
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Water Resources

Downtown Belleville Square Water Main Replacement

Traffic Engineering & Planning

Champaign Bike Vision Implementation Plan

Urban Design

Goshen Commons