December 13, 2024

Goshen Commons

Edwardsville, Illinois
City of Edwardsville, Illinois
Service Line:
Urban Design

The City of Edwardsville selected Lochmueller for Conceptual and Schematic Design Phase Services to design a multipurpose park and event space called Goshen Commons project in the heart of downtown Edwardsville. Goshen Commons is a new park created by the transformation of a short section of St. Louis Avenue from Main Street to 2nd Street and an existing greenspace along 2nd Street that was recently purchased by the City. Goshen Commons is the home to the Land of Goshen Farmer’s Market and is a multi-use community event and passive recreation space that supports an active downtown business district. The project includes plazas, entry signage features, trees and landscaping, stage, restrooms, lighting, seating, bike parking, and other amenities. It is being coordinated with a streetscape project on Main Street and the future extension of Route 66 Trail on 2nd Street. The Lochmueller team also includes Arcturis for architecture and environmental graphic design.

Lochmueller completed conceptual designs, preliminary cost estimating, prepared perspective renderings, and is currently working on schematic design phase services.

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