April 1, 2020

I-44/Route 141 Design-Build

St. Louis County, Missouri
Missouri Department of Transportation
Service Line:
Transportation Design

With major congestion during morning and evening commutes and a confluence of several major arterials on Route 141, MoDOT needed improvements for the interchange I-44 and Route 141. The Design-Build Team

As a major participant of the Design-Build Team, Lochmueller’s role included roadway design for four intersections north of the flood-prone Meramec River as well as retaining wall design. Lochmueller designed a 156-foot-long, single-span bridge to carry a 2-lane unidirectional Collector Distributor (C-D) Road over Route 141.

Lochmueller also designed two new ThrU Turn signalized intersections on Route 141 at Vance Rd. and Marshall Rd. These were highly innovative signal designs, which included a 3-ring signal timing structure, dummy phases, and advance detection. The opening of the ThrU Turn intersections has greatly improved mobility along the heavily traveled segment of Route 141 near Fenton/Valley Park. Traffic services for these interchanges included signal and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) design, implementation of coordinated signal timing plans, and completion of an Access Justification Report for the modified interchange. Lochmueller providing ongoing traffic signal timing during construction as stages were completed.


2019 – American Public Works Association, Missouri Chapter – Public Works Project of the Year Award for Transportation (Greater than $250,000)

2019 – ACEC Missouri – Grand Award

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