May 2, 2023

I-65 over Lauramie Creek Bridge Rehabilitation

Tippecanoe County, Indiana
INDOT, Crawfordsville District
Service Line:
Transportation Design

Our I-65 over Lauramie Creek Bridge Rehabilitation Project for INDOT, Crawfordsville District received a Merit Award in ACEC Indiana’s 2023 Engineering Excellence Awards!

Lochmueller worked with INDOT to develop a scope that could prolong the service life of the bridge decks until additional funding could be obtained for the future I-65 widening. This bridge rehabilitation was initially scoped as a bridge deck replacement and widening for a future third lane on I-65. During design, it was discovered that safely completing the widening would require widening of an additional mile of interstate roadway due to the substandard horizontal curve and super elevation at this location.

The final scope included removing and replacing the existing bridge deck overlays and approach slabs. This project contained multiple innovative applications. Lochmueller utilized a high friction wearing surface to provide additional traction to the surface of the substandard horizontal curve. A polymeric overlay on top of a rigid deck overlay on replacement bridge decks for additional traction was also utilized.

To maintain the flow of traffic, Lochmueller designed a temporary single-span bridge between the bridges to be replaced, limiting disruptions and delays seen with lane restriction and detours. We were able to promote commuter and community safety as well with appropriate signage and maintenance of traffic. While this innovative approach incorporated multiple facets for future application, these adjustments maintained timeline sensitivity for the overall project.  

The project’s success was reflected in the collaborative efforts between our designers, INDOT engineers, and the findings from data and reports. We worked to address the site’s needs while responsibly utilizing the tax money for what was intended – infrastructure improvements. We were able to successfully address what needed attention without hindering future corridor improvements.

Because this project met complications beyond the limits of the bridge, we were able to not only satisfy the immediate needs INDOT expressed but will be instrumental in the near future when corridor improvements are proposed, planned, and executed.

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