August 2, 2021

Illinois Statewide Travel Model

Illinois Department of Transportation
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Lochmueller was part of a consultant team tasked to develop the first ever travel demand model for Illinois. The goal was to consolidate existing data source, regional socio-economic data, MPO travel demand models, and any related studies to build an efficient, robust, and expandable Illinois Statewide Travel Demand Model. Both passenger and freight modes for the base year and future years were included, and the final model was used in various applications, such as performance-based project selection, long‐range transportation planning, corridor and congestion studies, and air quality studies. Additionally, the model supplemented MPO models in providing external traffic pattern information, and its results were used as major inputs into an economic analysis tool – REMI (Regional Economic Models, Inc). TransCAD Version 8 was used to develop the Illinois Statewide Model. Lochmueller’s responsibilities included coordinating with the stakeholders and prime consultant; assessing, composing, and evaluating available data, as well as identifying missing data; collecting, converting, and consolidating MPO models; developing Traffic Analysis Zones and Highway Network for the MPO areas; and calibrating the model input data. Lochmueller was also responsible for socioeconomic forecasts for the counties within the MPO boundaries.

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