June 7, 2023

Kennedy Avenue Streetscape, from 165th Street to 169th Street

Hessville Neighborhood of Hammond, Indiana
City of Hammond, Indiana
Service Line:
Urban Design

Big changes are underway in the Kennedy Avenue Business District in the Hessville Neighborhood of Hammond, Indiana. The Kennedy Avenue Streetscape, from 165th Street to 169th Street, has been under construction since April of 2022 and is expected to be completed in September 2023. Located on the east side of Hammond, the original town of Hessville and its business district developed along the Kennedy Avenue corridor. The town was ultimately annexed by Hammond, Indiana in 1923 and became the Hessville Neighborhood. The business district continues to support the neighborhood and users of the corridor, but the wide expansive roadway encouraged high speeds and infrequent stops at businesses, and discouraged pedestrian activity and street crossings. The new streetscape will create a walkable, vibrant business district, support new opportunities for businesses and residents, and be an extension of the downtown Hammond improvement goals.

Former street profile with four travel lanes on street parking
167th Street Intersection

The South Bend office of Lochmueller completed the design for the streetscape improvements of four blocks on Kennedy Avenue and incorporated some significant changes. The traffic lanes will be reduced from four lanes to two lanes which provide opportunities for wide sidewalks, narrow street crossings, street trees, outdoor dining, planters, lighting, bump-out protected parking, and full intersection improvements.

This comprehensive streetscape renovation will reduce vehicular speeds and incorporate outdoor seating and event space along the sidewalks to support healthy, vibrant business and an enhanced pedestrian experience. New street and pedestrian lighting were designed throughout the project limits and existing traffic signals were upgraded with new traffic detection, pedestrian push buttons, and pedestrian signal heads. Lochmueller’s construction inspection service team is on the job overseeing the construction of approximately $6 million dollars of improvements.

Pavers and tree grates

Special features of the new street design include:

• Raised intersections for traffic control and pedestrian accessibility were designed at Martha Street, 167th Street, and Vine Street. At a raised intersection, the intersection pavement is elevated to curb height to give priority to pedestrian crossings.

• Permeable pavers and tree wells allow for water to drain off the sidewalk and down through the pavers to provide water for the street trees.

• Decorative paving with attractive clay paver borders and concrete enhances the existing commercial building architecture.

• Planter pots, benches and other street furniture enhance the pedestrian focus.

• Over 150 trees are being added to the street environment.

Look for the completion of the project this fall and visit the businesses of Hessville along their new, beautiful street.

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Water Resources

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Traffic Engineering & Planning

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Urban Design

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