August 2, 2021

Kirkwood Road Signals & Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Kirkwood, Missouri
City of Kirkwood, Missouri
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Lochmueller completed the design of four reconstructed traffic signals, including a PHB/HAWK pedestrian crossing, and all Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) improvements along Kirkwood Road in Kirkwood, Missouri. The available space to implement the improvements required substantial right-of-way and utility investigation, leading to no major land acquisitions or utility relocations. Design tasks also included ADA pedestrian signal improvements, alternate investigation and specification of a new central signal control software (Centracs), CCTV cameras, video detection systems, and railroad preemption blank-out signs that communicate with the railroad hut. Lochmueller developed the ITS network and end equipment from the ground up, based upon input from multiple City staff members. This effort required in-depth engagement with public works, electric, and IT departments within the City to determine a concept of operations and specific user requirements.

Lochmueller also developed and implemented new coordinated timing plans through the corridor. The Downtown Kirkwood area has substantial bicycle and pedestrian volumes, meaning a balance between the mobility and safety of each mode was important. All timing plans were carefully designed to stay in coordination when any or all pedestrian push buttons are activated. All pedestrian phases were implemented with leading pedestrian intervals, permitting the pedestrian to enter the crosswalk before the adjacent vehicles have a green light, allowing for improved pedestrian visibility and safety precautions.

At Argonne Road, in the heart of the downtown area, Kirkwood Road is bisected by railroad tracks serving Union Pacific and Amtrak. The historic Kirkwood Station, Amtrak’s 3rd busiest station in Missouri, is located at the intersection, and trains regularly stop traffic on Kirkwood Road for up to 7 minutes at a time. The project included the design and programming of blank-out signs at 6 signals along the corridor that display a detour message for road users during preemption. Lochmueller, working closely with Gerstner Electric, used peer-to-peer communications and developed advanced controller logic to send the preemption message from Argonne to 5 other signals that would initiate the blank-out sign and run preemption timings. This communication method and all programming was bench tested in City Hall before implementing in the field.

The new PHB/HAWK pedestrian crossing located north of Essex Road is the 3rd of its kind built in the metropolitan area, and the 2nd one designed by Lochmueller. For this project, we also developed advanced logic and timing parameters for its operation.

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