December 7, 2023

Lloyd Expressway Corridor Traffic Analysis

Evansville, Indiana
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Our Lloyd Expressway (SR 62) Corridor Traffic Analysis won a 2023 Indiana ITE Transportation Achievement Award and a 2024 Great Lakes District ITE (GLITE) Transportation Achievement Award in the Traffic category!

Kate Swinford, PE, PTOE, (right) accepting the Indiana ITE Transportation Achievement Award for the Lloyd Expressway Corridor Traffic Analysis.

Lochmueller completed the Lloyd Expressway (SR 62) Corridor Traffic Analysis for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to develop and evaluate long-term traffic flow and safety improvement alternatives along the Lloyd Expressway corridor in Evansville, Indiana. Currently, motorists experience queueing, delays, and congestion during commuter peak hours resulting in driver dissatisfaction and discomfort. There are also numerous locations with safety concerns along the corridor.

This multi-year, multi-discipline project is ongoing and headed towards construction but initially began when Lochmueller completed an Engineering Assessment study along the SR 62 corridor in 2018, which analyzed alternative intersection configurations for the signalized intersections of SR 62 with Red Bank Road, Boehne Camp Road, and Schutte Road. Potential improvements for the entire corridor were considered with the primary objectives of both improving traffic operations and correctable safety issues if any were present, with an emphasis on utilizing innovative solutions. Recommendations for a single preferred alternative were identified for each intersection and interchange along the corridor.

Through the study, Lochmueller identified innovative, context sensitive solutions by looking at the area around the intersections and seeing how we could work our infrastructure solutions into the existing developed area to minimize disruption to the community. They also got public feedback throughout the process to make sure the solutions proposed were digestible, understood, and accepted. Lochmueller’s Public Involvement team created a website to keep community members up to date with project progress, mailed letters, and hosted pre- and post-design public involvement meetings.

All in all, a lot of heart and collaboration have gone into this project to make sure that the Lloyd Expressway is safe and serves its needed purpose and that the project achieves its goals without drastically affecting surrounding community members’ lives.

Cheryl Sharp, PE, PTOE, AICP, (right) accepting the GLITE Transportation Achievement Award.
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