January 30, 2023

Manchester Road (Route 100)

Kirkwood & Des Peres, Missouri
Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Service Line:
Right-of-Way Engineering & Services

Lochmueller provided land acquisition services for the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) on Manchester Road (Route 100) in the cities of Kirkwood and Des Peres. Manchester Road is a four- and five-lane major commercial arterial route connecting St. Louis with suburban communities west of the city. Lochmueller was selected to provide appraisals and negotiations for the acquisition of right-of-way and easements for 131 properties along the route.

The project created impacts to commercial and residential properties, such as temporary loss of access, loss of parking, proximity of the right-of-way to private property and relocation of business signs, shopping center monuments, and landscaping. Property owner issues were discussed and resolved through weekly status meetings with MoDOT and the Design Consultant.  

Lochmueller also provided testimony at eminent domain hearings for the several parcels that were acquired through the condemnation process.

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Urban Design

Goshen Commons

Environmental Services

I-69 Corridor, Section 6 Mitigation

Environmental Services

Orchard Road Mitigation