August 2, 2021

On-Call Traffic Engineering Carondelet Park Traffic Calming

St. Louis, Missouri
The City of St. Louis
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Lochmueller provided On-Call Traffic Engineering for the City of St. Louis along Grand Drive in Carondelet Park from Loughborough Boulevard to Holly Hills Boulevard. The City asked Lochmueller to address safety concerns by reducing vehicular speeds, increasing pedestrian access and safety, and clarifying lane assignments.

In Phase 1, Lochmueller completed a Traffic Calming Study along the Grand Drive Corridor within Carondelet Park. In the existing conditions analysis, Lochmueller analyzed the three primary intersections through the corridor, performed a traffic analysis, and identified several alternatives that would enhance safety within Carondelet Park.

These concepts were presented to the City of St. Louis and the Alderwomen where a final concept was selected. In the existing conditions analysis, Lochmueller identified a traffic movement that experiences excessive delay and proposed solutions that would significantly decrease delay and improve safety, while also suggesting countermeasures for traffic calming and access for bikes and pedestrians.

In Phase 2, Lochmueller completed concept design plans for a proposed roundabout, a traffic circle, on-road bike lanes, bollards, bump-outs, crosswalks, and other traffic calming treatments to slow traffic and accommodate bikes and pedestrians. An open house was held to present the proposed plans to the public where the design was received with overall approval.

The recommended improvements were constructed in August 2020. Lochmueller collected traffic speeds again to evaluate the effectiveness of the traffic calming enhancements. Since their implementation, vehicular speeds have reduced from averages of 37 mph to 30 mph.

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