August 19, 2022

Rehabilitation of St. Joseph Bridge 303

St. Joseph County, Indiana
St. Joseph County, Indiana
Service Line:
Transportation Design

Lochmueller provided design services for the locally funded rehabilitation of St. Joseph County Bridge 303, Bendix Drive over the Indiana Toll Road, located 2.3 miles east of US 31. Bridge 303 is a 279’-4” long, 5-span continuous composite steel beam bridge on concrete vaulted abutments and concrete hammerhead piers built in 1976. It has an out-to-out width of 40’-10” and carries two southbound lanes.

The scope of work included a full bridge deck, railing and drainage system replacement, bearing replacement with conversion to semi-integral abutments, approach slab replacement, and substructure patching. Reconfiguring the bridge's typical section resulted in an improved 8-foot sidewalk width (compared to the previous 6-foot sidewalk).

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Water Resources

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