February 3, 2020

Replacement of Bridge 24, CR 950E over Bilger Ditch

Noble County, Indiana
Noble County
Service Line:
Transportation Design

Lochmueller provided a site survey, design, and permit application services for this new bridge carrying 2-lanes of traffic. Built 100 years ago, the existing abutments showed significant distress with large cracks at the interface between the abutment wall and wings. The superstructure was replaced 40 years ago. However, rehabilitation would require removal of the superstructure to reconstruct the abutments. Therefore, it was determined the bridge had reached the end of its useful life and a total replacement would be the most cost effective solution for this  locally funded project.

Lochmueller performed a hydraulic analysis of the existing and proposed bridge openings. Several structure options were considered before determining a single-span, spread, prestressed concrete box beam, on tall integral end bents, with pile foundations was the most cost effective alternative.

Our team coordinated with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to acquire the appropriate permits. These included a USACE Section 404 Regional General Permit and an IDEM Section 401 Water Quality Certification.

Lochmueller contained the project footprint within the existing roadway right-of-way and drainage easement that saved Noble County the time and expense of acquiring additional permanent right-of-way to construct the project.

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