April 29, 2024

South Keystone Avenue Stormwater Plan

Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis DPW
Service Line:
Water Resources

Our South Keystone Avenue Stormwater Project for Indianapolis DPW received a Merit Award in ACEC Indiana’s 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards!

Lochmueller provided engineering, environmental permitting, bidding phase services, and construction administration services on this project, which will provide the main stormwater conduit for many of the neighborhood areas around Keystone Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is the first of multiple projects that will transform the areas around the location, and many property owners will benefit from better stormwater control, new roadways, curbs, sidewalks, and better access to public services.

Constant communication was kept with the Indianapolis DPW staff to apprise progress throughout the design process. Lochmueller was able to use past project experience with respect to the design of the large diameter piping by incorporating innovative shoring systems into the installation during construction. This is the largest stormwater project that has been let by Indianapolis DPW with over a mile of large diameter piping (78”) at a depth of over 25’. Due to its size, this project was completed in stages to adversely affect the homeowners as little as possible.

This project provides future value and is positively perceived by the residents and commercial businesses in the previously underserved area of the city and the surrounding neighborhoods that will enjoy fewer negative effects of stormwater events. As more stormwater projects are connected to this important trunkline made possible by this project, the local residential and commercial areas will benefit.

Lochmueller is proud to be a part of this project that helps create local jobs and increases public safety for neighborhoods and residents, which supports Indianapolis DPW’s commitment to make Indianapolis a more livable city.

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