July 19, 2023

St. Charles Strategic Highway Safety Plan

St. Charles County, Missouri
St. Charles County
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Lochmueller led a consultant team tasked to develop a data-driven Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) identifying high-frequency and high-severity crash locations within St. Charles County, along City- and County-owned roadways and non-interstate MoDOT routes. The focus was on reducing crashes through the selection of site specific practical and innovative countermeasures, along with systemic safety improvements.

The development of the plan included coordination with multiple municipalities within the County, as well as the MoDOT local and central offices. In order to proactively identify locations where safety issues may arise, Lochmueller utilized connected vehicle data from Wejo to visualize segments and intersections where disproportionate harsh braking and acceleration events occurred over a 12-month period. The project also included development and submittal of implementation grant applications for the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) federal program.

Lochmueller’s responsibilities included a comprehensive review of previous safety plans and current transportation improvement plans for various agencies, a distillation and visualization of 5 years of crash data across the County, including an interactive GIS dashboard and storymap, and a screening of the roadway network utilizing crash frequency, crash rate, Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) and United States Roadway Assessment (usRAP) protocols, which were inputs into a statistically representative Safety Index for the entirety of the network.

Having the opportunity to work on these safety-centric projects is very important to the firm, and Lochmueller always looks for innovative approaches to help clients meet the challenges of today and tomorrow!

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