March 7, 2024

Stormwater Master Plan

Glendale, Missouri
City of Glendale, Missouri
Service Line:
Water Resources

Our Stormwater Master Plan for the City of Glendale, MO has won an Honor Award in ACEC Missouri’s 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards!

Colin Schroeder, Allison Mannion, Maria King, Laura Mwirigi Rightler, Scott J. Smith

Lochmueller prepared a stormwater master plan for the City of Glendale that provided the framework for effective stormwater management by addressing known stormwater issues, identifying potential risks from flooding, and providing recommendations for stormwater capital improvement projects. Additionally, Lochmueller provided guidance on pursuing project funding.

The City of Glendale experiences stormwater challenges due to existing aging infrastructure, insufficient stormwater drainage facilities, and higher rainfall intensities. Lochmueller is helping the City review its stormwater ordinances by creating a stormwater infill development manual for residents to mitigate stormwater impacts from site redevelopment. This will greatly benefit the entire stormwater management system both in its current state and with future expansion and improvements.

Lochmueller’s recommended projects would impact an estimated 577 properties throughout Glendale. The stormwater issues that residents of the City of Glendale face are evident after flash flooding characterized by heavy rainfall over a short duration. These solutions would greatly reduce the stress placed on the stormwater drainage system, leading to a direct reduction in flooded basements, roadways, and properties. Due to the substantial public involvement throughout the study’s lifespan, these reductions would be directly attributed to the proposed recommendations and role of engineering in improving their everyday lives.

Because of the City of Glendale’s location in the Deer Creek Watershed and its relatively small population, the City has had substantial challenges in finding funding sources for the City’s stormwater-related needs. It became necessary to also develop low-cost solutions that could be implemented in the short term, which included funding the preparation of the SWMP itself.

As a result of the plan, Lochmueller recommended thirteen (13) projects to address the City of Glendale’s stormwater management deficiencies plus two (2) more projects after the City experienced historic flooding events in July 2022. Lochmueller is proud to have had the chance to help the City of Glendale with this plan, preparing the City to implement stormwater management solutions that reduce the risk to life and property, protect the environment, and promote a sustainable urban community.  

The Stormwater Master Plan was funded using the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District’s (MSD’s) Operation, Maintenance, Construction, and Improvement (OMCI) program.

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