August 31, 2020

Tell City Drainage Improvements

Tell City, Indiana
City of Tell City, Indiana
Service Line:
Cultural Resources

When Tell City decided to undertake drainage improvements in commercial and residential areas, Lochmueller was contracted to identify and determine effects on historic properties within the proposed project area as part of a Section 106 Assessment.

To identify historic properties, Lochmueller’s architectural historians completed a literature review to identify structures already listed in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register). The Perry County Historic Sites and Structures Inventory was also reviewed. Next, Lochmueller staff visited the project area and determined an Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE is the area in which the proposed project may cause alterations in the character or use of historic resources.

Nearly 150 structures were identified as being at least 50 years old. Each structure was photographed, had a brief description written, and had its significance assessed to determine National Register eligibility

In the case of Tell City, four properties were recommended eligible for listing in the National Register. These properties included a c.1870 Italianate house, a c.1880 Queen Anne house, a c.1880 Free Classic house, and a c.1930 Art Deco commercial building, all of which are significant for their architectural merit.

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