August 2, 2021

US 41 Corridor Access & Safety Study

Evansville, Indiana
Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization, INDOT
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Lochmueller performed a corridor traffic study of US 41 in Evansville, Indiana. Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization (EMPO) and INDOT recognized that a corridor plan was needed to determine how to safely accommodate economic development and growth along US 41, while also managing the transportation system to enhance the region’s mobility and quality of life. This study encompassed approximately 14 miles of US 41 and 25 primary intersections between County Road 1250 (Warrenton Road) and Walnut Street.

Traffic volumes were forecasted using the EMPO travel demand model. The study utilized Synchro and VISSIM simulation models to evaluate a broad array of access alternatives along the corridor, including:

  • Continuous flow
  • Roundabout
  • Access consolidation with backage roads
  • Restricted crossing and median U-turn
  • Quadrant road

The anticipated safety benefits of the intersection configurations were evaluated using Highway Safety Manual procedures. Conceptual design and preliminary order of magnitude cost estimates were developed for the corridor recommendations.

The end product was a Corridor Management Plan that reflects how the highway should be managed, including the level of access that should be permitted and the types of control that should be employed, and how it could be improved to correct existing deficiencies and accommodate future growth. The plan serves as guidance for future planning efforts in the corridor, acting as a resource for development and/or access applications.

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