September 12, 2024

Washington Street Rehabilitation

Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis DPW
Service Line:
Transportation Design

Lochmueller prepared a scoping report and performed design services for the Washington Street Rehabilitation project for the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW). The project involves full depth reconstruction of Washington Street in Indianapolis, Indiana. It includes rehabilitating the existing pavement, installing ADA-compliant multi-use paths and sidewalks along the roadway, installing upgraded traffic signals and equipment, and addressing drainage concerns along the corridor. The reconstruction is anticipated to extend from approximately the Washington Street intersection with Lynhurst Drive to the Holt Road intersection (approximately 1.8 miles).

Washington Street is an important east-west corridor through the heart of the City of Indianapolis. The 1.5-mile-long section of the Washington Street corridor is home to a diverse mix of business, community organizations, and residences. The corridor generally has a pavement consisting of a concrete base with an asphalt overlay, both of varying depths and age. The pavement condition varied along the corridor; however, in most areas it is showing significant distress exhibited by reflective cracking, potholes, rutting, deep failures, etc. and is near the end of its functional life.

The design includes four travel lanes with a center turn lane, a 10’ wide multi-use path on the north side, a 5-6’ sidewalk on the south side, and various locations of street-side parallel parking. Drainage solutions include a 60” diameter trunk line that outlets into Little Eagle Creek near Tibbs Ave. Extensive coordination was required with the IndyGo Blue Line Segment 2 project as the Washington Street stormwater trunkline will also serve as the stormwater outlet for Segment 2 drainage.

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Urban Design

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Environmental Services

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