January 1, 2020

Water Distribution System Improvements

North Vernon, Indiana
City of North Vernon Municipal Utilities
Service Line:
Water Resources

This project replaced more than 47,000 linear feet of piping, or about 20% of the city’s aging water system infrastructure. This upgrade provided a more stable water supply to the customers and decreased the exposure to potentially harmful contaminants.

Lochmueller began with a comprehensive study of the city’s water treatment, storage, and distribution system. The study, including modeling of the system, assessed the system to determine adequacy to meet existing and projected demands. Alternative sources of water were evaluated including the development of a groundwater source to supplement or replace the existing surface water supply. Lochmueller was successful in helping the city secure various sources of capital to make this project happen, including grants and loans through USDA Rural Development and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.

Lochmueller then designed the improvements and provided construction administration.

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Transportation Design

Route 25/K Intersection Safety Improvements - Roundabout

Right-of-Way Engineering & Services

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Water Resources

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