February 3, 2020

Water Treatment & Supply Study

City of Huntington, Indiana
Huntington Public Works
Service Line:
Water Resources

Lochmueller partnered with the City of Huntington to evaluate their existing water treatment systems. Due to one of their largest production wells being designated as “Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI)”, the study focused on alternatives to increase water production and treatment capacity at both the North and South water systems.

Lochmueller recommended a new groundwater treatment plant with increased well capacity on the City’s south side to avoid rehabilitation of the aging surface water treatment plant. A new groundwater treatment plant was also recommended for the south water supply and treatment system because this type of plant is efficient and economical to build, operate, and maintain.

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Transportation Design

Route 25/K Intersection Safety Improvements - Roundabout

Right-of-Way Engineering & Services

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Water Resources

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