March 2, 2020

Bridge Inspection for Super-Loads

Edwardsport, Indiana
Bigge Crane & Rigging
Service Line:
Energy & Industrial Services

The construction of a new coal gasification plant in Edwardsport required moving heavy plant components across eight elevated bridges, creating super-loads varying from 306,000-1,117,000 pounds. The movement of such heavy loads requires a state permit to assess safety and to assess ability of the bridges to withstand such weight.

Seven of the bridges featured 2 to 5 spans with advanced deterioration. The remaining bridge consisted of a 16-span, 2,408-foot-long structure across the White River that could be classified as a major river crossing.

Lochmueller was chosen to provide preliminary bridge load rating analysis and weight distribution of various load configurations. Bridges were inspected before, during, and immediately following completion of a super-load crossing. During the construction of the plant, Lochmueller staff oversaw more than 70 moves, including the heaviest load ever to be permitted on Indiana highways.

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