July 19, 2024

Buffington Drive Extension

Gary, Indiana
Service Line:
Environmental Services

Lochmueller Group played a pivotal role in the Buffington Drive Extension project, a significant infrastructure initiative undertaken in partnership with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). This project aimed to replace Clark Road, the existing roadway that intersected the CN Railroad tracks at two locations. A crucial aspect of the project involved relocating a portion of the railroad tracks to eliminate railroad crossings between Olympic Steel and the existing Buffington Harbor Drive roadway, spanning approximately 0.45 miles.

One of the primary objectives of the Buffington Drive Extension project was to enhance roadway infrastructure to facilitate smoother traffic flow, particularly for heavy truck traffic serving key industrial sites. Companies such as Olympic Steel, Praxair/Linde, NIPSCO, and Carmeuse will benefit significantly from these improvements, as the project aims to eliminate delays caused by trains stopping on the Canadian Railway tracks at existing crossings. By creating a more efficient transportation network, Lochmueller Group aims to bolster economic productivity and safety within the region.

In the early stages of project coordination, Lochmueller collaborated closely with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), to address potential ecological impacts and conservation measures. Concerns were raised regarding local wildlife habitats and species of conservation interest, such as birds, amphibians/reptiles, invertebrate, Franklin’s ground squirrels, and plants. Field survey efforts in 2023 identified 226 plant species, eleven of which were state endangered, threatened, or rare. The bird survey yielded 45 species, including three special concern species (great egret, sharp-shinned hawk, and peregrine falcon). The invertebrate survey conducted by our collaborative subconsultant Ecological Solutions and Innovations identified over 220 species, including the federal candidate monarch butterfly, five state threatened species, 15 state rare species, and two species newly recorded for Indiana.

Lochmueller assisted in the development of a unique special provision to include exclusionary fencing as a measure to deter reptiles and amphibians and also established a protocol to notify regional IDNR biologists whenever occurrences were observed in the work zone during construction. A unique special provision was also developed directing the contractor to provide IDNR the opportunity to relocate any rare plants within the work zone prior to ground disturbance activities.

Lochmueller's involvement in the Buffington Drive Extension project exemplifies our commitment to shaping resilient infrastructure while safeguarding natural resources. Through innovation, expertise, and a steadfast dedication to environmental stewardship, Lochmueller Group is driving positive change and laying the groundwork for a more connected and sustainable future.

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