January 30, 2024

Charging Lawrence: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Plan

Lawrence, Indiana
Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO)
Service Line:
Traffic Engineering & Planning

Our Charging Lawrence: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Plan won a 2024 Hoosier Planning Award from the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-IN)!

APA-IN Chapter President Philip D. Roth, PhD, AICP, and Cheryl Sharp, PE, PTOE, AICP

Lochmueller Group performed professional planning services for the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) Plan for the City of Lawrence, Indiana with grant money from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization. The future of electric vehicles (EV) is making its way all over the world, and Lochmueller wants to help communities stay ahead and be prepared when change comes. Planning for EVCSs is more than understanding new technology. It’s amending community’s guiding documents, performing site selection and feasibility, future-proofing and contingency planning, and understanding the financial considerations and available funding opportunities. Using knowledge gained through their EVCS municipal planning experience, Lochmueller knows the steps needed to prepare communities for the EV wave.

This plan explored national and local trends as it relates to electric vehicles and their charging station needs. A gravity model analysis provided recommended locations based on current and projected residential, employment, traffic, and other pertinent data such as traffic volumes along major corridors. This modeling effort also took into consideration equitable distribution of EVCS sites to ensure investment was occurring in historically disadvantaged areas.

In addition to modeling and analysis, Lochmueller engaged with the community to understand their thoughts, support, and hesitations regarding electric vehicles and the City’s role in providing charging stations for the community. Online surveys were disseminated to Lawrence’s residents and business owners, flyers were distributed at events, and stakeholder meetings were held. Their feedback was used when selecting sites and recommending amenities. To assist with the engagement, 3D visualization models were created and utilized to help the public envision the future sites. These models helped bring the plan to life and gave the community something tangible to help understand how the plan will be implemented.

To help offset the upfront investment costs of installing EVCS, significant funding opportunities are available. Federal grant programs, tax credits, and rebates from AES Indiana all can lessen the burden and jump start EVCS investment in the community. Through these grant programs and public-private partnerships, the City of Lawrence can make significant progress in providing publicly available charging stations throughout the community.

Change can be scary, which is why it’s Lochmueller’s goal to be innovative with their problem solving to deliver a better tomorrow for communities and clients through thoughtful, actionable planning!

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