January 1, 2020

I-69 New Terrain Interstate, Section 4

Greene & Monroe Counties, Indiana
Indiana Department of Transportation
Service Line:

Lochmueller performed a topographic route survey for a 27-mile section of new terrain highway through central Indiana. Project tasks were topographic data collection, boundary retracement surveys, underground utility investigations, wetland mitigation surveys, and geotechnical surveys. Segments along the new terrain highway alignment contained heavy karst rock formations and extensive geotechnical soil investigations were performed resulting in over 500 geotechnical soil borings being staked out by the surveys crews as well as performing as-built record surveys of the geotechnical soil boring results and exposed karst formations.

One of the challenges for the surveyors in this area was that in addition to being rolling terrain, it was densely wooded. The strong emphasis on customer service for this project paid big dividends in gaining survey access to each property, which greatly reduced field time for this effort and helped to keep this fast track project on schedule.

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