October 16, 2023

WWTP Wet-Weather Expansion

Kokomo, Indiana
City of Kokomo, Indiana
Service Line:
Water Resources

Lochmueller was contracted to complete improvements to the City of Kokomo’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on Wildcat Creek in the south-central part of the City. This project will complete the current phase of the City’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) by meeting their regulatory requirements set forth by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). It will consist of a new wet-weather treatment facility and the installation of a second parallel 24-inch force main from the existing Highland Park Pump Station (HPPS) for the total combined treatment. The WWTP will be increased to a total wet-weather treatment capacity of 117 MGD. The proposed wet-weather treatment facility will consist of a new fine screen, a 28 MGD pump station, a 50 MGD high-rate clarifier with disinfection, and a 24-inch force main from the existing HPPS.

Lochmueller was appointed to provide engineering services for the development of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for funding, design phase services and permitting, bidding phase services, and construction administration and inspection.

The first phase consisted of the development of a PER to establish a basis for funding. This involved examining the existing situation and developing multiple alternatives to meet the IDEM’s regulatory requirements. The report was drafted to fit the Indiana Finance Authority’s (IFA) State Revolving Fund Loan Program requirements, and Lochmueller coordinated with IFA to secure the necessary funding.

Lochmueller performed design development in multiple stages. During this project, as with all projects, Lochmueller considered the client to be an integral part of the design and involved them throughout the entire process by keeping City personnel apprised with design meetings at each stage. The design process consisted of a geotechnical investigation, topographical survey, design development, and permitting.

Currently in the construction phase, Lochmueller is performing construction administration services and inspection. Inspection services involve on-site observation of the construction process to make certain the project is being installed as per the contract documents.

Lochmueller understands the importance of making sure the client’s goals are met to ensure safer and healthier communities and makes it a part of their mission to contribute to a greater future!

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